God sees you. You are not forgotten by God.

“Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. Indeed, the very hairs on your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.” ~ Luke 12:6-7

Our Approach

Self-care for our spiritual and emotional well-being is vital for discerning and seeing God's movement in our lives. Yet, we often encounter burnt-out and weary individuals who desire a place to process life situations while finding restoration for their souls in the stillness of God. Christian Mentoring provides individuals with an experienced and qualified mentor ready to listen, guide individuals through spiritual growth, and pray over them while meeting God where He is currently working in their lives. If you are searching for accountability, a safe place to process through life, and discernment from God, I encourage you to connect with a Christian Mentor.

Our services

  • One -On - One Mentoring

  • Team Development

  • Spiritual Growth Workshops

Meet Our Mentor

Rebecca Burg

Hi, I’m Rebecca, and I am a wife, a mom of two sweet boys, and a licensed minister working in vocational ministry for seventeen years. One of my passions is discipling and mentoring others in their relationship with Christ. I often have people ask me how I hear God, discern what God wants me to do in my life, or study the Bible. I started Sparrow Mentoring because I believe it is important to have a mentor who can walk alongside and guide us in our relationship with Christ. We are not meant to live life alone but in a community with believers, praying and supporting one another. I would love to hear your story and be a Christian Mentor in your life.

Dear Christian Mentor,

Dear Mentor,

I am anxious. Does this mean I am not a strong Christian?

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Dear Mentor,

I don’t know what to pray anymore.

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Dear Mentor,

My soul is weary, and I am tired. What should I do?

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Dear Mentor,

How do I process through my broken heart?

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Connect with Sparrow Mentoring Today


In-person and remote options

Our office is conveniently located in Indiana. Can’t make it into the office? No worries – we’ve got you covered with teletherapy.

“Christian Mentoring provides me with a mentor who I also consider a friend. Mentoring holds me accountable and teaches me to see God’s movement in my life every day. ~ Heidi S., Sparrow client