The Impact of Christian Mentoring
“I started Christian Mentoring because I am new Christian and I didn't know how to grow in my faith. My mentor has taught me how to study and apply scripture to my life."
~ Lynn, H.
“My Christian Mentor sits with me in my grief. When I feel like the world is telling me to move on, she helps me process through the pain."
~ Allie S.
“I am a Pastor and need someone to talk to about the stresses of ministry. My Christian mentor helps me find rest from my burnout and provides encouragement to continue to pursue God's calling on my life."
~ Abby J.
“Since my divorce I struggle with mom guilt and balancing life on my own. I have trouble knowing what to say to God or how to pray. My mentor has been walking me to the spiritual discipline of prayer. I feel so much more peace and strength when I talk with the Lord throughout my day."
~ Sara, R.
Christian Mentoring has helped me discern where God is leading me as far as a career. When I started mentoring I was miserable at my job. My mentor and I have been working on discovering my passions and gifting."
~ Christina, T