Dear Mentor, I don’t know what to pray anymore.

When I Don’t Know What to Pray

“The Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we out to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans.” ~ Romans 8:26

Dear Christian Mentor,

I have been praying about a difficult season that seems like forever, but I don’t feel God is listening or hearing me. I pray and wait patiently, but I don’t feel God’s comfort or guidance on what to do. I am up all night with my thoughts and can only see the hardship before me. I am at a loss for words and don’t know what to pray anymore. What do I pray when it seems I have expressed my all to God?

Dear Mentee,

I understand that you're going through a challenging time. It's not easy when you feel like you've said all you can to the Lord. But I want to assure you that He hears you and is working in your life, even if you can’t see it yet.

Our prayer life is not just a mere act but an open invitation from the Lord Himself to communicate our praises, worries, needs, and frustrations to Him. Our loving Heavenly Father, ever-present, eagerly listens as we pour our hearts into Him. In the midst of life's difficulties, we express our pains, confusion, needs, and frustrations to the Lord. We wait patiently for His guidance and provision, but sometimes, it feels like time keeps moving forward with unanswered prayers. The waiting and discomfort may seem unbearable, but remember, we are not alone. We don't understand why we are going through this and question God's faithfulness, but He is listening. We are tired and weak and have no more words to pray, but His presence brings comfort.

As Christians, we are spiritual beings who long for peace and the promise of eternal life. The Lord deeply cares for us and understands our lives will have joys and difficulties. When we accept Christ, we are blessed with the Holy Spirit, our divine helper in times of struggle and weakness. When we find ourselves at a loss for words or lacking the strength to pray, the Spirit steps in. Just by uttering the name of Jesus, the Holy Spirit will intercede on our behalf, expressing our pains, needs, and weaknesses. In this way, we can find peace in the Lord.

Interceding in prayer for you today,

~ Christian Mentor


Dear Mentor, My soul is weary, and I am tired. What should I do?


Dear Mentor, I am anxious. Does that mean I am not a strong Christian?