Dear Mentor, My soul is weary, and I am tired. What should I do?
When I am Exhausted
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” ~ Matthew 11:28-29
Dear Christian Mentor,
I am at a point of exhaustion. Balancing my kid's schedule, marriage, career, and everyday responsibilities has become a constant struggle, leaving me little time to breathe. I am always stressed, anxious, and irritable. I keep telling myself this is just a phase and things will eventually ease, but my burden feels overwhelming. How do I find rest when my schedule doesn't slow down every day?
Dear Mentee,
It is completely understandable that you are feeling weary and burdened by the demands this world places on us. I can empathize with your situation, having been in those same shoes, feeling overwhelmed by life's challenges. The promise we need to hold onto today is that we have a loving Father who eagerly awaits ALL of us to come to him. There isn't a single person God won't welcome into His presence. He longs to take our burden and our weariness and replace it with rest. I can't think of anything else in this world that can relieve my weariness and my burden and give me a peaceful rest.
Let’s walk through Matthew 11:28-29 and look at the action steps the Lord guides us to release our burdens and find rest in Him.
Step One: Come to me. Right now, let it all out and tell your Father and tell Him what is wearying and burdening you.
Step Two: Take my yoke upon you. The 'yoke' in this context refers to God's teachings and guidance. How do we take God's yoke? Reading our Bible, praying, fasting, resting on Sabbath, and worshiping God through song and gratitude are all ways to do so. How much time do you spend communing with God throughout your day?
Step Three: Learn from me. When we spend time with the Lord, He teaches us, and our response is to apply His teachings to our lives. When we do this, God promises we will receive rest for our souls. What is God teaching you that you need to apply to your life?
Praying you find rest in the Lord.
~ Christian Mentor